Pontus Gunve

Sound Designer | Composer | Musician

Cross Fade - creative sound Design (2010) 

Baraka Demo Clip 3 - Sound Design and Music

Baraka Demo Clip 2 - Sound Design and Music

Baraka Demo Clip 4 - Sound Design and Music

Baraka Demo Clip 1 - Music / Sound Design  ​Voice : Maria Zakharycheva 

Sound Credits

Kraken - creative sound Design (2013) 

Sound Design/Sound Mixing (Post Production mixed credits)

* Be Somebody (2022) Directed By: Edelawit Hussien 

* Finding the Way Home’ (2019) Directed by: Jon Alpert, Matthew O’Neill – Sound Engineer

* ‘ Cacaya’ (2017) Directed by : Peter Azen – Sound Engineer
* ‘A Farewell to Robot Arms’ (2015) Directed by Peter LaSala & Christopher Ventura;
* ‘A Kid From SouthSide’ (2014) Directed by Peter LaSala & Christopher Ventura;

* ‘barnen, alkoholisterna och konstnärerna' - art installation (Sweden) (2014). Produced by: Vague Research

* ‘Lift Every Voice’ Short Film (2014). Produced by: Monet Gray

* ‘The High’ documentary Trailer (2014). Produced by: Barry Walton

* ‘Gesture’ documentary Trailer (2014). Directed by: Sara Jordeno

* ‘Compensation’ Short film (2013). Directed by: Tim Gehling

* ‘Except For Us’ Short film (2013). Directed by: Chris Ventura, Peter LaSala

* ‘Sharpest Knife’ Short film (2012). Directed by: Tim Gehling

* 'Three Things' (2011), Directed by: Matthew Amenta

* 'First Kiss' (2011), Directed by: Chris Ventura
* '12 Floors Up' (2010), Directed by: Chris Moodono

* 'Unfamiliar Paintings' (2010), Directed by: Ernest Alexis

* 'Little Dumpling in Big ChinaTown' (2009), Directed by: Chris Ventura

* 'It's OK I'm an Actor'Web series (2009), Directed by: Chris Ventura

* '47th Floor'Web series (2009), Directed by: StoneStreet Studios

* '18 & Out' (2009), Directed by: Misha Zubarev

* 'Wake'. (2008), Directed by: Andrew Lawton

* 'He’s My Dad' (2008), Directed by: Heath Mensher

* '45 and Sunny'(NYFA). (2007), Directed by: Kevin Ryan

* 'Roommate' (NYFA student film) (2007), Directed by: Jordan Bennett

* 'Ouija Board' (NYFA student film) (2007), Directed by: Jordan Bennett

* 'It's All Relative' (NYFA student film) (2007), Directed by: Justin Owades

* 'Talet' 5 minute art speech. (2007), Directed by: Fredric Gunve

* 'RaceWalker', Comedy (2006), Directed by: Tom Toro

* 'Behind Forgotten Eyes' Documentary (2006). In association with
the Korea University, Seoul Korea & Choi Eye Assosciates. Directed by:
Anthony Gilmore www.behindforgotteneyes.com

* 'Wipeout', Comedy Short film. (2006) Directed by: Adam Storke

* 'Light And The Sufferer', The Filmmakers INC. Directed by: Christopher Peditto (2004)

* 'We Got Your Kids', Hip Hop Immortals. (2004) Directed by: Kris Palestrini  [AIRED ON BET]

* 'Connect for Kids', spec commercial. (2004) Directed by: Ilo Orleans

* 'Reflections' GLAAD infomercial (2003) (Finalist for nationwide
GLAAD competition) Directed by : Ilo Orleans

* 'Indian Fish in American Waters', Feature Film. Directed by:
Manish Gupta (http://www.indianfish-themovie.com)

* 'Toyota Spot', TV spot for 5 Town Toyota, LI. Directed by: Jarett Bellucci

* 'DCS19' commercial TV spot (2004)

* 'Neon River', 20 minute short Film (super 16). Directed By: Joel Edelstein

* 'A Shayna Maidel' Ramapo College of NJ, October 2000 – March 2001

Sound Recording/Location Sound and Mixer (Film and Music production)

* Head Studio Engineer - RMC STUDIOS (2008-2016)

* “The Wish” (2009), Audio engineer, String quartet,  Composed by: Sam Willmott
* 'The Last Assassination of the Ghost' (2009). Directed by: Babatu B. Sparrow.
* Kinetic Media - sound/location mixer (01/2009).
* 'It's Ok I'm an Actor' (2009). Directed by: Peter LaSala & Chris Ventura.
* 'Rasin in sun' (2009) Directed by: Gary Bennett
* 'ReNew' Vision Campaign (2009). Directed by: Bobby Garabedian
* 'The Wish' (2009), Directed by Jason Eiland - Live music recording
* '47th Floor' Stone Street studios (ongoing series) (10/2007 -
present), Directed by Alyssa Bennett
* 'Behind the scenes of All My Children (ABC)' (2008), Produced by SoapNet.tv
* 'Urban World' Festival (2008), Produced by BET Network, Hosted by: Alesha Renee
* Civil Rights Street interview (2008), Produced by Pfizer
* 'Breaking Upart' (Short Comedy) (2007), Directed by: Anthony Bishop
* '45 and Sunny'(NYFA). (2007), Directed by: Kevin Ryan
* 'Roommate' (NYFA student film) (2007), Directed by: Jordan Bennett
* 'Ouija Board' (NYFA student film) (2007), Directed by: Jordan Bennett
* 'It's All Relative' (NYFA student film) (2007), Directed by: Justin Owades
* 'Talet' 5 minute art speech. (2007), Directed by: Fredric Gunve
* 'Neon River', (NYU Student Film) 20 minute short Film (2005), Directed By: Joel Edelstein

* Engineering Service Assistant/Intern, Sony Music Studios, New York, NY, (03/2002 – 06/2002)
* Sound Engineer, Ramapo College of NJ, Mahwah, NJ (12/1998 – 08/2000)

* Engineering assistant, BTS Studios, Sweden (10/1995 – 05/1996)

First Kiss - Sound Design and Mix (produced by: comagine)

Compensation - Sound Mix (directed by: Tim Gehling)

The High - Sound Design and Mix (directed by: Barry Walton)

Excitable Boy - Sound Design and Mix (directed by Matt Amenta)

Except for Us - Sound Design and Mix (produced by : comagine)